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This project is an investigation in food preference of birds. The goal of the project is to create an understanding that different types of food have higher and lower nutritional value (fat content, e ...

The purpose of this project is to determine what effect substances have on ice, and which of these products most effectively melts ice. The goal of the project is to develop an understanding of why pe ...

This project is about learning how to use a dichotomous key (a series statements consisting of 2 choices that describe characteristics of the unidentified organism) to identify plants or animals. Thro ...

The objective of this project is to identify and understand adaptations in birds. Through experimentation with models of bird beak shapes and different types of bird “food” the student will grasp the ...

This project deals with plant adaptations and survival. The goals of the project are that the student develops an understanding of the scientific method and process, the student gains knowledge that p ...

This project explores the basic physics of bridges. The goal is that the student will develop an understanding through experimentation of which shapes are the most structurally strong, and that many f ...

This project models a real world scenario and ecological issue: eutrophication, which results in bodies of water that are depleted of oxygen and are in a sense “dead”. The goal of the project is that ...

Although we cannot help but create some trash living in modern society, we do have some choice in what we purchase and how we dispose of this trash. In most areas, at least some sort of recycling is a ...

The objective of this project is to compare the effectiveness of environmentally friendly cleaning products to commercial cleaning products using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The goal is to ...

The human eye is comprised of two types of receptors: rods and cones. Cones allow us to see color and work well in bright light. Rods are used to see in low light. When a color wheel or optical illusi ...